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We Are a Community Pool Club

Woodlands Cabana Club is a community pool club located in Walnut Creek, CA. We are open from mid May through the end of October. The Club is a great place for you, your family, and friends to gather for some relaxing time by the pool. Whether you want to cool off, get some exercise, or have a BBQ picnic, the club is a fun and safe place to be.

The three pools are under the watchful eye of Red Cross certified lifeguards. The club includes a baby wading pool, a 25-yard, 6-lane pool and also a 25-yard, 6-lane diving pool. Lessons through our Swim School are offered for those who are starting out as new swimmers or for swimmers that would like to improve their skills.

Over fifty years ago the club was established and remains managed by a dedicated group of volunteers. This tradition is carried on today by a Board of Directors along with many generous family members that lend a hand with administrative, maintenance, and community building activities.

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Copyright 2021 | Woodlands Cabana Club | 111 Longleaf Drive Walnut Creek, CA 94598