Woodlands Swim Club, affectionately known as Woodlands Cabana Club, is a community swim club that the vibrant heart of summers in the Woodlands 1962. Located in the Woodlands neighborhood of Walnut Creek, the Cabana Club a great place for you, your family, and friends to gather for some relaxing time by the pool. The Club offers two competitive sized pools, a wading pool, American Red Cross Lifeguards and a large yard with a shaded lanai for barbecues and parties. Whether you want to cool off, get some exercise, or have a BBQ picnic, the club is a fun and safe place to be. We are also the proud home of the Woodlands Swim Team (WST); a competitive, award winning and family friendly swim team.
2024 Fall Clinic
Coach Heidi is excited to run a Fall Clinic. This is great for swimmers with swim team or equivalent experience to work on strokes, starts and turns. More information is on our clinic and lesson page.
Closing Day Chili Cook-Off and Trunk or Treat - October 27
Smaller events will be happening throughout the summer. Keep your eye on your newsletter and our Events page for updates.
Opening Day
Photos from opening day 2024 fun can be found on Instagram.
Fourth of July Parade and Party
Every 4th of July the community gathers for a parade from Valle Verde Elementary to the Cabana Club members and nonmembers* are welcomed into the club for an afternoon of fun and socializing. Check out our events page and instagram for photo highlights.
Thank you!
Thank you to Mason Foster Photography for providing our team photos.